BodyHouse method

Reconnect to your source of vitality and inner power


What is BodyHouse Method?

BodyHouse is a physically embodied and intuitive practice as well as a consciousness evoking method developed by founder of the BodyHouse method, coach, mentor for talent development and performance Artist.
It approaches the body as a vessel that carries energy and vibration, where skin functions as a two-way wall mediating between the personal-intimate and the universal energetic flow that is around and within us. Like a house, our body has windows and doors that have a direct dialogue and connection between our inner world and the world around us. 

The BodyHouse Method offers an engaging and profound way to discover the wisdom of your body and to develop physical and mental stamina, together with inner focus. It builds confidence and familiarity with non-verbal communications and with your unique body language and energetic traits. It is a physical method with a powerful therapeutic and healing experience. It will help you to reconnect with your source of vitality and inner power.

BodyHouse is an ever changing creative space that shares my knowledge and experiences of 20 years as a professional in the fields of dance & performance, interdisciplinary arts, choreography making and teachings. From my exploration of breath & energy work, ancient spiritual practices, and martial arts. From my work alongside therapists and their clients. It is in dialogue with my study of peak performance (both with top athletes, creatives, and leaders) and being a peak performer and the leader of my own projects. And lastly my inspiration and undying love for the outdoor rave culture, where I discovered the most beautiful and genuine unmasked human connection with myself and with others. A space where we can bring the body back in time, to its primal roots: boundless and free.   

“A place where I could finally connect with myself again and what I have been missing for a lot of years. To check in with my mental and physical health and be open to people: young and old, from any heritage and background.” Eva


Who is the BodyHouse Method for?

The experience is open for those who feel the calling and urge to live their lives to their fullest expressive potential and are curious to explore new ways of being.
For those who are experienced in dance and energy work and those who are absolute beginners. 

Everyone is welcome to work at their own level and pace.
There is no age limit, and all bodies and abilities are welcome!!

BodyHouse method is open for Every-Being-Body who wishes to step into a physically expressive and authentic experience within an intimate setting: 
If you wish to become more aware of your own presence & energy and learn how to transform physical/ mental/emotional blockages into flow. To learn new tools that can help you feel more grounded, present, and open. If you seek to further develop your own creative voice, deepen your sense of trust in your intuition and overcome mental & physical barriers. To become more aware and confident in making non-verbal physical connections with yourself and others and embrace your authentic empowered expressive self.

“It produced the effect of an “exploding bomb”! I recommend the BodyHouse method to dancers, actors, therapists and just ordinary people! It helps to create unique awareness within your body and fantastic communication with other people”. Roman

“She dares to draw inspiration directly from the great Void, with a natural skill, talent and guts to awaken and expose the deeper layers of the soul”. Joost

Image: Alwin Poiana

What will we be doing?

In our sessions, I will be guiding you through an immersive experience where you learn how to listen, feel, and connect to the inner energetic flow of your body and connect to those of others. Through direct breath work and energy exercises you will generate movement and ignite flow into energy centers in your body. You will develop awareness and capacities to visualize energetic flow and its vibration. You will be exploring physical and energetic dynamics in a playful yet challenging manner. You will charge and restore weakened or forgotten areas through physically and mentally engaging exercises.  

As a group we will be moving together between physical actions, sensations, imagination and states of being.Unleash your inhibitions and experience a deeper connection to your sense of joy, inner spark, loving heart and wildness. Developing awareness of how you feel under your skin and skills to share yourself better with the world around you, (physically, energetically, emotionally, and mentally), So you can become more present in the moment, powerful, open, creative, and free.

“It is fantastic, not only for dancers, but also for people who work with mind and body, like me. She touched me, it was from heart to heart.” Nastaran

“I felt very fueled physically and very emotional, I realized I really needed this to feel something again.Pieke 

Image: Alwin Poiana


How BodyHouse was born?

BodyHouse method was born from my necessity to heal myself physically, mentally & emotionally after a near career ending injury: 9 years ago, right at my physical peak as a performer and a starting choreographer, I had to undergo a complex surgery in my left foot. As a result of unwanted complications, I was hospitalized and was using a wheelchair for 2 weeks neighboring a 90 year old beautiful woman called Tova, with advanced stages of dementia and close to the end of her life. After 3 months of intense physical restrictions, I had to learn how to walk again and start my dance-training pretty much from the beginning. It took a year till I was back shining on stage, with a transformed body, a new way of approaching movement and a growing calling to discover the unseen. This life changing experience has been my motivating engine to share the Joy, connectivity, and vulnerability we all inherently carry within us as humans. I call it now, life force, energy, vitality, something that I have dedicated my life to since then to be in listening, presence and sharing. 

For the last 8 years I have been sharing the BodyHouse Method with thousands of people around the world, both nationally and internationally, in physical and virtual spaces, with professional performance artists, the generation of tomorrow, humans of all ages, humans of golden age and humans with different abilities and the audience members who came to witness my artistic work.
I’m feeling grateful for every second I get to do this: creating spaces and experiences that can invite everyone to be their own unique selves and to inspire unmasked, authentic connections.

**All that is needed is comfortable clothes, an open heart and available body to move and be moved.

Impressions on the BodyHouse method:

“Keren creates an intimate and welcoming setting where we quickly connect to the core of our bodies, leaving the rush and artificiality of the city behind. I left the workshop with a renewed sense of myself.” Tobias

“A powerful journey into dance without judgment of myself and others. It is about revealing, recovering and re-discovering my intuitive movement.” Jasmin

“It gives a feeling of community. Such a necessity for the times that we are living through body movement and collectiveness.” Marc

“The amazing thing is that in a very short span of time we were not separate people anymore, we were moving as one body, as one natural organism in space.” Jos

“It gave me a new perspective as an artist/dancer.” Kya

“It seems that Keren has the power to cross the medium, to enter space. Like a flame that ignites, we were there, vibrating her presence in absence. I am super inspired by strong women, who have the sweetness and strength to exist.” Flavia Pinheiro

“When I look at you move, I understand myself through you. I feel that if I will practice myself, I can dance like you...what you have with your being is a gift to be shared with the world, it’s your life’s mission.” Angela

“Home sweet home” Grigio